Well, unlike those pathetic, single-dimensional people marooned on Raptor Island it only took us about 35 minutes to escape from there. Yeeeeesh! What a show. Anyhoo, this is typical of why we have a love-hate/ divorce-reconciliation relationship with the SciFi Channel.
Do they even have producers who read these scripts BEFORE they get on the air???? Yeah, yeah, yeah - dinosaurs are big and mean and tough and all but, come- on, they aren't meaner and tougher than bullets. Jeepers, how many zillion times do you have to shoot a velociraptor before it falls over dead anyway? And I suppose they don't feel it while they are being shot up with five magazine loads of NATO rounds? Shoot a thirty foot Nile crocodile once in the head and it's dead on the spot - go figure, and, note to the Sci-Fi channel, crocodiles survived and dinosaurs didn't so who's tougher, hmmmmm.?
Oh well, all of this may have been explained 38 minutes into the photoplay and we hit the remote just a little too early, but, this is why we like to read old books - their author's had a clue.
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