Things have sure changed. Time was, you could pretty much rely on the hollywood left to
produce oodles of wickedly funny parodies and satires on a weekly
basis for television and movies. At the same time, their print
counterparts created sidesplittingly entertaining books, magazine articles, newpaper columns, plays etc. Whether or not you agreed with them politically, there was no question about it - they were darn funny and talented people. Well, NOT anymore. Cripes. What of bunch of Sad Sacks. Even the leftists on the web are pathetic. We read them, but nothing they create ever deserves linking. All we get from them is another day and another dirge. Even their cartoons suck are lacking any comedic touch.
If you wanted to pinpoint when this long, slow, painful descent into oblivion started, a good place would be the episode of M*A*S*H (a television comedy not a drama) when series star Alan Alda went blind. But, he didn't just go blind temporarily, like it would happen from time to time to characters on Bonanza or Peyton Place, Alan went blind and became oh, just, soooo wonderfully kind and sensitive too. In fact, Blind Hawkeye was a better surgeon than Sighted Hawkeye had been. He could smell what to do next in an operation... no, seriously, and he felt grateful and lucky to be blind. Gosh, it was a gift, isn't it MARVY to be blind!
ack! BLECH! argh!
It just kept skipping downhill from there. Even Mel Brooks would eventually be shunted off to broadway.
It's clear that the chattering classes of the left can't produce parodies anymore at any level because they now are themselves parodies. The right on the other hand... well they be getting funnier all the time. Just to prove the point, read this typically uproarious article by Iowahawk You'll be glad you did (unless you are a red diaper baby, if you are then you'd probably rather stick your face into an exploding franklin stove and go blind than read it).
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