In the '50s to get really huge military-style reactions from the folks in DC took the threat of international communism, or a giant menacing space robot with a murderous death ray (in the movies).
Today . . . .
it takes a Cessna !
Plus, then Patricia Neal was a Space Babe . . .
The Fox Movie Channel is showing The Day The Earth Stood Still (Starring Michael Rennie and Patricia Neal) on Saturday May 14th at 8:01 PM EDT.
That and other movie listings are available at the This Weekend page.
I was a child in the '50s and the world seemed considerably different. I truly expected to have a flying car when I grew up. Bob Wallace isn't alone in having had such expectations.
I thought I'd travel in space. Now, I doubt I'll ever board an airplane again.
Posted by Tom Ender, who wonders how much the idiots in DC have cost us, besides the obvious taxes and wasted time.
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