Goooooooooooooood Moooooorning, Varmint Cong!! Your order is UP ...
Well, boys and girls, you may have noticed that things have been a little slow going around The Sudden Curve of late... so it's time for Breakfast on Us for all you loyal minions, myrmidons, mullets and malthusiasts.
Coffee and Donuts -- MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! Now that's good for what hurts.
Yes, yes, many of the extreme, whack-a-mole crazy events of the last few weeks (months, whatever) or so have had their affect, on your beloved TSC Editors @ Large and even on those of us laboring in the strangelovian depths of The Underground Parking and Publishing reinforced concrete bunker and time capsule ... and we thought we were immune.
Oh Well.
Posted by Tom Novak, who says just keep your "Tsk, Tsking" to yourselves and send insurance adjusters, lawyers, guns and money ... QUICK!
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