I don't go to too many movies, and when I do it's because women drag me there to watch nancy-boy Hugh Grant, who to me is one of the ingredients to Hell. The others are Liberace, Richard Simmons and Michael Bolton. I dread the day there is a movie with Grant in it and music by Bolton.
Yet, there is one movie I'm going to see--TEAM AMERICA! Any movie that whacks all bubble-head left-wing F.A.G. actors for the fools they are, and sees through all those crazed nutjobs who thinks America can be the world's policeman, has my vote. I can do without the Loony Left and the Fake Right that is just about all we've got today. Anyone who bashes both of them--especially with those Gerry Anderson-type marionettes--is going to get my money.
Posted by Bob Wallace, who has the hots for GOOD-LOOKING MARIONETTE BABES!
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