Marlene smoked on film often, so I imagine Wally would rate her as a smokin' babe. However, I focus on music and video here.
She starred in one of my favorite old films. I'm not thinking of The Blue Angel but Golden Earrings (I guess my fascination with gypsies shows up again). I don't remember any singing in that movie, so we'll go with perhaps her most famous song.
Happy Birthday Marlene, where ever you are !
Posted by Tom Ender, who offers a different example of Marlene singing at Memory, Making, Meaning.
I can't wait until it's Lily Von Schtupps' birthday.
Posted by: Tom Novak | Thursday, December 27, 2007 at 06:20 PM
We've got about 9 months to wait till Madeline Kahn's B-day. Till then try this video ID at YouTube: UZnzYaboUkY (put it in the search line).
Posted by: Tom Ender | Thursday, December 27, 2007 at 07:04 PM